Siu Mei Chan, 60+yrs, Housewife
Hong Kong
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January 2016 Bama Workshop

I attended Bama workshop last January. After the workshop, I did not feel well, and my husband complained about that. He thought that I should not have attended the workshop.

However, my emotions and health improved after my sisters had attended the workshop in March. My friends feel that I have become younger and slimmer. My eating habits have changed; I like vegetables better and eat less now. My emotions have also improved. Thank you so much to David, Yanyan and R&D team to let me experiencing such wonderful journey in Bama.



但是在我妹妹三月參加工作坊之後,我的情緒和身體開始好轉,身邊的親友都覺得我比以前年青和瘦了。而飲食習慣也有改變,現在喜歡吃素,食量也比以前少了,情緒也得到改善。 非常感謝David, 欣欣和R&D team 安排如此一個神奇的巴馬之旅!



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