


Symposium on Life Mechanics 1



In our first Symposium, we introduce how consciousness was formed through the formation of the physical universe, and its elements; and how it is related to our cognitive structures, which in terms help formulate the DNAs that propel us into who we are today. Through the introduction of "viewing", for the first time, we can see the "codes" that made up the "senses" of elements and how the qualities of these elements are responsible for giving rise to our own cognitive structures, and how they fuel our perception, hence the Ego. We would then learn to interpret how these very codes are driving our psycho-logistic patterns through a demonstration of a "scan" on a person's cognitive structure, in recognising the relevancy between these codes and the issues they are being bind to in this lifetime.


We take our guests by the hand in following our journey of studies, on how through more than a decade of research, we have arrived at a set of solutions to solving the mysteries of our illnesses and other relevant issues, resulting in a comprehensive and accurate method that can work with these codes in de-constructing them while redefining a new program that may help initiate a new life-structure. By "seeing" our cognitive structures emitted from every cell of our body, and how they are interlinked to everyone and every thing around us, we hope to verify the theory that we are indeed originated from ONE source. We can also witness how all living Consciousnesses are pinned on the manifestation of a greater program that we would referred to as the "System".


We also like to illustrate how the "codes" are designed and written within the "solutions" we now offer, can be readily accepted by the "System" and through the technique of "viewing", one can witness how our codes were designed to bring about a "neutralisation" of our past cognitive data, and how the "bridging" of "matter" and "anti-matter"can bring about the "un-installation" of our past programs which were brought down through our ancestral up-line. We will prove through this process, how one must work with these very data, in order to bring about a lasting change in any aspects of our life, the very key to happiness.


Through the two and half days (English symposium), we would then understand why it is so hard for people to change and for the first time, see the momentum that forces us into who we are and why we do certain things even though they may appear irrational to us. Through the introduction of the technique of "viewing", we can also show what solutions do we propose and why we feel such solutions may work to and why we know we can bring about new hope to those who has been wanting to change.





Symposium on Life Mechanics 2



In the second Symposium, We try to touch upon the vital concepts that may help answer the question of why is life the way it is and what helped shape the inherent programs that run our life. We shall look at the different facets behind the reasons for sufferings and illnesses and the role they play in the evolution of life forms.


For the first time in human civilization, we shall take an objective view on what is making enemies in our life inevitable and how we can use our adversaries to our advantages in helping to promote a better life through the ingenious use of the solutions we offer.

We then explore the concept of "destiny" and whether our life programs are locked in by "fail-safe" devices that ensure the data that runs and fuels our programs are not tampered with. If indeed it is, how then, can we change a life? Are we being watched? And, is there such things as "sentinel programs" deployed by the system to safeguard our future? We also look at questions such as what does our future holds for humanity, and are we humans destined to change?


The introduction of "Time Space Shift" will help our guests to understand more on what is the mechanism behind the "fate" of meeting people and why we tend to favour one over the other. Above all, we want to look into the physics of "Love" and where exactly does this mysterious emotion take us. Through our theories and concepts, we try to answer the imminent question of why is it that those who loves us most always tend to turn into our worst of adversaries. Is there a solution around this? Why is knowledge all empowering? What is a "miracle"? Is there such a thing as "miracle" and if so, how can we induce "miracle"?


We take our guests back to the techniques of "viewing" and we attempt to pry into the privacy of influential figures through history and examine more closely the role they played in the macro view of the "System".


Through the two and half days (English symposium) of understanding, we finally understand the meaning of suffering and why is it inevitable to have enemies. We attempt to explain why for the first time in humanity, we can change our destiny and why others have failed in the past. Why change must come from within and why we must play an active role to induce such changes.





Symposium on Life Mechanics 3



Through the past two symposiums of discussions, we have touched upon many concepts; yet they were presented mainly in a theoretical view point hence, all the information given may not present to the audience how we can put all such information into perspective in order for them to apply them in their lives.


Therefore, this symposium would attempt to give analogies and everyday life examples in how such theories may be applied practically.  We also look at how what we have presented in the first two levels can be related to the issues we may be experiencing from day to day.


One of life issues may arise from the anxiety of uncertainties, one of which is what would happen to us when we die. At the point of passing, do we lose everything?  What happens to the totality of all the invaluable conscious information that one has gathered through their entire lifetime? We try to examine whether there is "life after death" and how does one define this state of pseudo-psycho existence.


To help define the cause for our life issues, whether they be physical, emotional, financial, career or relationships, and if we want to possess the tools to alter our current life path, we must take a close look at how our cognitive structure, which is brought down through our ancestral line, forms our "mindsets" or "psycho-logistic" behaviours.  This study of our cognitive structure is perhaps one of the most important aspects of our life in helping to re-define these values that our cognitive structure will formulate our realities, as they are the very foundation on which our personalities are built upon.  While most do not generally stress on the importance of the values of our mindsets, they do correlate directly to our failures and successes.  This is why we spend ample time to help our guests to identify the basic components of how mindsets are formed and the importance of "active re-programming". 

One of the most common issues we encounter in this day and age is incompatibility of a relationship.  Just what is incompatibility and how is itformed?  We pry behind the obvious to explore the science behind arguments and what causes all the break-ups of today's relationships. Can we put an end to such commotions?


We often look to those public figures who are successful in life and in career for aspirations.  To help our guests understand their secrets, we dissect their lives and look at their cognitive structures for the first time ever in history in allowing everyone to realise their key to success!  How much would you be able to replicate if you are given the road map to success?


The two and half days (English symposium) will bring theories and practicality together in order for you to make sense of the sum of knowledge you have since acquired. For without the practicals, most would not be able to make sense of the technical information presented in the first two symposiums and with level 3, we finally bring everything back into perspective.  We then look at the nitty gritty behind failures and successes, and present to everyone the formula to success, in different aspects of their lives.



Symposium on Life Mechanics 4



Since the beginning of humanity, the field of medical science has been trying to look for the key to longevity.  In this symposium, we use our proprietary technique of "viewing" to guide our guests to examine the different life forms on earth that are capable to last through the millennia.  From the "viewing", we identify the typical traits that are common to the make-up of the "cognitive structures" for those creatures that outlived our forebearers.  We then examine the question on whether old age can be reversed.  If so, what are the secrets to forever youth? Is there such a thing as a "magic pill"?


As much as it is important to find the key to longevity, it is equally important to help our guests to identify the culprits to early deaths, ailments and cancer. While cancer is the number one killer on the planet, the medical industry still struggles to find the cure, not to mention being still unsure in identifying the core issues on why our genetic makeup triggers cellular mutations.  We shall present our view points on how cancer may be formed, from a first-hand look at real life photos of a cancer patient in the last months of her life. Guests will be able to "view" what are the key elements in this cancer patient's cognitive structure that locked her to her destiny and see the shocking truth to a disease that claimed the lives of 7.6 million people in 2008 alone (13 % of all deaths) that is projected to take the lives of 13 million people by year of 2030 (figures given by the World Health Organization).


With the conglomerate knowledge given since the first symposium, we shall review in this two and half days (English symposium) what has been already presented in a more systematic manner such that all the facts and theories can be tied together to make a complete story.  Rather than leaving our guests with fragmented information, we will piece them all together in this symposium in order for our guests to solidify the most important information they may ever come across in their lifetime. With the information ascertained in the two weeks of learning through the four levels, we hope, we can for the first time, decide for ourselves what our future may be.  Whether we would feel comfortable in accepting what we have been doing all these years, or to start taking matters in our hands and to initiate a change; now that the keys have been entrusted to us. We take it upon ourselves that we want to imprint all this information deeply into our guests' minds, in hoping a revolution of the human race can finally be ignited.


Furthermore, we want to take away the guilt from everyone who has the fortune to attend our symposiums, that there is no such thing as "faults" and we humans had never "faulted". All our actions, whether they be instinctive or pre-meditated, are but the result of an unseen science that binds us to our fate and we must learn to see through the veils that had blinded us since the beginning of time; therefore, empowering us to learn to forgive all those who had erred before us, and to forgive ourselves for all the harm we have inflicted upon others.  To understand, to forgive and to improve upon our behavioural patterns, so that we may no longer inflict harm to ourselves and those who are dear to us.  This may be the most powerful tool we can ever obtain from the System.









Date & Time:
Please refer to the calendar in the events page or contact Mr William Tang at +852.98406666 or email him at for upcoming courses

Cantonese or English


Suite 2502 Winsome House
73 Wyndham St., Central,

Hong Kong  > view map


Max. 25 students.
Acceptance on first-come first-serve basis.


1 week prior to due Course Date


Symposium Fee:

HK$3650 (English: 2.5 day course)

HK$3000 (Chinese: 2 day course)


Enquiries & Enrollment:
Mr William Tang
+852. 98406666




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