GTI™ - Genome Tracer Interface    繁體中文


“We are what we eat”, this can’t be further from the truth. In fact, the whole evolution of different species accelerated when life form became parasitic back in the primordial environment of our earth. As our findings indicate that Basic Consciousness derived from the simple atoms provides the necessary electronic data that acts as the building blocks to form molecules, and the primal driving force to higher Consciousness would bind more complex molecules to form simple RNA, which help synthesis DNA molecules which act as the genetic structure which forms the first cell. The DNA genetic structure of the cells would become more complex when it started to consume other cells due to massive amount of Consciousness data generated from the cell being consumed, such data is brought forth to the genetic structure of the parasitic cell and the compilation of such complex Conscious data is what drives self division as well as transformation. It is such parasitic adaptation of most living organisms that creates more and more cell divisions, and transformations that leads to such complex organisms as the human species.

We now know, it is the information in our DNA that serves all activities of our lives. And all aspects of our lives are the derivatives of the different messages being directed by our DNA. This of course includes not only our physical characteristics, but our psychological profiles as well as all other pertaining issues that are encountered in our daily life. In other words, if we were to seek a dramatic change in our life behavior, we must start with our DNA.

As mentioned above, the transformation of our DNA takes place from the consumption of other organisms. Hence, we believe the whole of the digestive tract is responsible for a greater part of the manifestations of the messages carried over by the DNA in our cellular bodies. Which means, the digestive tract would serve as a primary window in which all messages and data transmission is being taken place and if we need to change these messages, we need to start with the digestive tract. This is what brought about the concept of GTI™ (Genome Tracer Interface), a consumable wafer, made out of the finest grade potato starch, imported from Holland, with a highly complex schematic code imprinted on the surface, acting as a carrier interface to interact with the codes that are being generated by our digestive tract in forming the precursor messages to all parts of our body. Working in conjunction with the PCCM, the GTI™ is the first and foremost conductor of rectifier coded programs to be injected into the DNA itself, rapidly alternating the original programs being transmitted by the genetic chain in forming our original life patterns.


There are mainly 4 types of GTI™, namely, πX, πXRDNA, HDNA and DVX..



πX comprises of an endorsement marker signature for recognition from the System to unlock the core binding force of the genetic chain. Only when the bind is unlocked, the most primal duality that gives rise to forming Consciousness data, which are the most fundamental building blocks of the derivatives thereafter that forms molecular structures of the DNA in the first place, can then be altered. New coded programs will also be initialised with mutually shared DNA sequence with immediately family members.


πXRDNA interacts with the primordial driving forces that constitute to our relentless drive for higher Consciousness, which serves as the underlying formula behind the DNA sequence. While the majority of the forces is what forms the sugar phosphate backbone that underlies the whole sequence chain, πXRDNA intercepts these primal messages giving ways to the implementation of a different program commands to take place in the initiation of a new life changing sequence.


HDNA is responsible for intercepting the ongoing transmission of data carried over by our hereditary linkages dating back to the first spark of Consciousness during the formation of our Universe. Only when added to the command set as implemented by the πXRDNA can the momentum of the forces as propelled from the compilation and reciprocation of the vitality carried over from our ancestry.


DVX institutes a new program set that will bring about a new constitution of Conscious behaviour. Aims at rectifying the effects of linkages to DNA messaging of consumables; lessen the destructive forces from the food we eat. Rapidly alternating the program of the current reality. Reversing viruses’ transduction mechanism to facilitate the strengthening of the immune system and detoxification system while enhancing and balancing the metabolic activities in the liver in promoting an optimal weight for a given individual.




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