Jova, 40+yrs
Hong Kong
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March 2016 Bama Workshop

Initially, I was not able to attend the workshop conducted in March. As soon as I realized that I would be able to make it, I told Rose that I would attend the workshop.

In the workshop I learned how to get rid of negative emotions, thoughts, mindset and attitudes, most importantly, how to apologize to the people I used to hate and/or hurt by me. On the way back to Hong Kong, I apologized to my supervisor by whatsapp, who found that surprising and pleasant.

Since then, I have been feeling peaceful, being able to keep a harmonious relationship in family life and at work. I do not want to hurt people any longer.

Thanks to the clear and patient instructions given by David, Yan Yan and R & D team supporting the workshop. My life has turned a new page.


當知道有三月份的工作坊,因為工作而不能參加,只好放棄,等待下一次的機會,神奇地,突然同事告知我不用跟進要負責的工作,我有空可以參加,我便立刻通知 Rose 我可以參加。

當在工作坊中得知是可以去除自己不好的情緒,思維和態度,最特別之處是向被自己傷害或憎恨的人道歉。在回港之時我用 whatsapp 向我的上司說對不起,之後得到的回應是她感到驚訝和開心。


多謝 David, 欣欣清淅和耐心的講解,還有研究組成員的幫忙,令到自己可以行一個新的生命程式。



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