Jackie Leung, 50+yrs, Secretary
Hong Kong
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March 2016 Bama Workshop

After Bama trip I've found if we want to change our life most important are knowledge and understanding, so lucky to be one of participants, I've learned a lot, my anxiety is much lesser than before especially at work more peaceful than before. Thank you so much David advise I realized my entire life always look down on people, I'm always right give a lot of excuses proof others are wrong, without any care and compassion to others. Now I have to learn how to care and think more angles instead of myself. Try my best always stay alert not fall back to old program.

After March Bama workshop group gathering in Jun even more encouraging!! Listen to their sharing most of them made a big step forward become more positive and happier!

Thank you soooooooo much to David, R&D team, Wanda, Byson and people who help coordinate Bama workshop also everyone who participated this workshop, it is such amazing journey I am so lucky able to participate and knowledge I've learn in workshop!!!


自從參加三月份巴馬工作坊後,我發現如果要改變我們的生命最重要的是理解和知識,非常幸運成為參與者之一,我學到了很多,我的焦慮比以前少很多尤其是在工作上感覺更平靜。多謝David 提醒我原來自己-生人整個生命總是看不起人,總是給自己很多藉口證明別人錯了我是對,沒有任何的關心和理會他人的想法。現在我必須學會要從他人角度去思考,而不是只有我自己。盡我所能,時常保持警覺不能回到自己的舊程序。


非常多謝David ,研發隊,Wanda, Byson 和每一個協助巴馬工作坊的人給我一個奇妙的旅程,我很幸運能夠參與!



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