Iris, 40+yrs
Hong Kong



March 2016 Bama Workshop

What I would like to share with you is that Bama workshop is a prime opportunity for me to understand my vital(energy-related) structure. Before the workshop, I was easily affected by own emotions, having negative attitudes towards others. I was arrogant, always feeling that I performed better than others. At work I hurt others with language, without any compassion for them. Through learning from David, Yan Yan and R & D teams in the workshop, I had a better understanding how the system works in world and wonder how powerful of primal programs in Bama. I realize that I have to change my mindset and drop my self-esteem to change my life. What I found especially unforgettable is that during the workshop I emailed and whatsapped those hurt by me, making sincere apologies to them. Interestingly at once I felt relieved. In brief, the workshop helped me realize that I have to be true to others, and treasure and love one another. In addition, David taught us how to send energy in Bama, I kept sending energy daily and cherish it. Since the workshop, I have been feeling more peaceful, being able to keep a harmonious relationship in family life and at work. It is a long journey to change our life, which requires efforts and persistence. I will do my best! My heartfelt thanks giving to David, Yanyan and R&D Team once again!


巴馬工作坊是一個好難得的學習機會,令我可以更了解知道自己的主題架構,未去巴馬前,自已好容易受情緒主導,對人有好多負面情緒和傲心,總是覺得自己是做得比別人好,在工作上也不斷會用言語傷害別人,也沒有體諒別人的心。在巴馬學習過程,透遇David和R&D team的不斷講解,令自己比以前理解多了系統的運作和驚嘆原始程式的威力!系統令我知道自已的心態要作出改變和放下自我,生命才會有所改變。特別深刻的是,自己在巴馬期間有真心向曾經被自己傷害過的人誠心道歉,很神奇那一刻自己有解碼的感覺,巴馬工作坊令自己體會到要用真心去對待別人和要懂得珍惜和如何錫人!尤其很開心David教如何送能量,真的很寶珍貴,現在每天都會抽時間去做也珍惜有這機會。完成巴馬之旅,感覺自己心態比以前平靜,和同事、家人相處比以前融洽和睦,改變生命是一條好長的路,是要付出好大的力氣和堅持,我會儘力去做的!
再一次衷心感謝David,欣欣和R&D team讓我有學習的機會!





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